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Life Through a Dram sees Danny Brown's take on life, being a better person, and appreciating the here and now, all accompanied by a dram of fine single malt whisky. With a relaxed take and an eye for the good and the inspiring, Danny shares stories and personal examples of people making a difference in the world, as well as how you can make that difference too. Life Through a Dram is the perfect way to either start your week, or end it.


Life Through a Dram

Sunsetting Life Through a Dram (and Introducing Podcaster Stories)

In this episode, I share why I'm sunsetting the Life Through a Dram podcast, and introduce the show that's taking over from it, Podcaster Stories. I want to thank you for being here for this show's life, and hope to see you over at the new one. Slainte var. (Check out Podcaster Stories) Support this podcast
00:03:22 4/28/2020

Past Episodes

Life Through a Dram
One of the impacts with the new normal due to the coronavirus is having our kids home from school past the normal March Break period. Not only does this offer a unique situation for parents to deal with, but also teachers, as they come to the realization that they may not get to finish the school year with their kids. After all, given they spend 7 hours a day, 5 days a week with our kids, it's only natural to have teachers look to their students as part of their family. Given the sadness many teachers are feeling at the moment, I thought it'd be nice to show our appreciation Topics on today's show include Why teachers are such an important part of our lives How they can shape our most important decisions with what may seem a small action at the time Why a lot of the person we are today stems from our teachers Why it's important for us to share our gratitude Settle back for a chat about the role teachers play in shaping the adults we become, and how you can offer your own thanks. Support Life Through a Dram (Leave a review) (Listen on your favourite app) (Support with a donation) - it helps keep the whisky topped up! :) Contact me: My equipment (Rode PodMic) (Focusrite Solo Scarlett 3rd Gen Audio Interface) (RockJam MS050 Adjustable Mic Suspension Boom) (Dragonpad Pop Filter) Mentioned on today's show (Ardbeg 10 year old) (Ontario teachers strike) (My letter to Mr. Houston) Support this podcast
00:10:34 3/20/2020
Life Through a Dram
Being a good person is not a given - you can say all the stuff in the world about how good you are, and how you'll look out for those around you. But if your actions don't back up your words, you'll never be anything other than the person that said so much and delivered little. This is especially true with the current global coronavirus pandemic, and how people are selfishly reacting to that. We don't have to be that person. We shouldn't be that person. Whether we are or not, though, comes down to one simple question: Do you want to be a better person, truly? Topics on today's show include How our decisions when we're younger impact our future lives Why we need discipline in our lives How I could have been a very different - as in worse - person than I am today Why we need to come together as a community in these trying times Settle back for a chat about actions being more effective than words, and why the world needs us all to be better people. Support Life Through a Dram (Leave a review) (Listen on your favourite app) (Support with a donation) - it helps keep the whisky topped up! :) Contact me: My equipment (Samson Q2U Dynamic Mic) (Focusrite Solo Scarlett 3rd Gen Audio Interface) (RockJam MS050 Adjustable Mic Suspension Boom) (Dragonpad Pop Filter) Mentioned on today's show (Glenrothes 12 year old) (Corona virus panic buying) (Army Cadets) Support this podcast
00:10:47 3/13/2020
Life Through a Dram
As parents, we want what's best for our kids, no matter what that may relate to - school, fun, love, etc. We sign them up for new adventures, hoping they'll find enjoyment there. But are we really signing them up for stuff that they want to do, or stuff that we want them to do, with the belief that we, the parents, aren't being selfish? These questions came to me as a moment of realization a couple of years ago, when my son decided he no longer wanted to do martial arts, something I'd done as a younger man and was now pleased to see my son take an interest in. Topics on today's show include Why we need to remember kids are still just kids Why we need to step back and ask the reasons we want them to do something Why disappointment isn't the best approach Why we need to let kids choose what makes them happy, as opposed to what we feel will Settle back for a chat about lessons from kids, and adults realizing that selfishness and encouragement tread a very fine line sometimes. Support Life Through a Dram (Leave a review) (Listen on your favourite app) (Support with a donation) - it helps keep the whisky topped up! :) Contact me: My equipment (Samson Q2U Dynamic Mic) (RockJam MS050 Adjustable Mic Suspension Boom) (Dragonpad Pop Filter) Mentioned on today's show (Suntory Hakushu 12 year old) Support this podcast
00:08:30 3/9/2020
Life Through a Dram
Do all kids simply have imaginary conversations, or are there spirits of kids that died early that roam the earth looking for friends to keep them company? Do all kids find a storytelling gift early, and it's only when they go to school and are taught that it's "bad" to use your imagination that they lose the will to converse with someone that isn't there? These questions came to me again recently following a conversation with my daughter, and a memory of something that happened when she was 4 years old. Topics on the menu include Having your 4 year old daughter freak you out Movies that scare you There's a lot of kids have weird experiences I believe in UFO's Christmas movies and the message they share Settle back for a chat about invisible friends, imaginations being allowed to grow, and why we need to rediscover the child in us. Support Life Through a Dram (Leave a review) (Listen on your favourite app) (Support with a donation) - it helps keep the whisky topped up! :) Contact me: My equipment (Samson Q2U Dynamic Mic) (RockJam MS050 Adjustable Mic Suspension Boom) (Dragonpad Pop Filter) Mentioned on today's show (The Conjuring movie) (Can cats see ghosts?) (The meaning of Mushu) (The Polar Express) (Why we need to listen more to kids) (Lagavulin 16 year old) Support this podcast
00:12:04 2/21/2020
Life Through a Dram
Being an entrepreneur can be hard. Coping with mental health issues while growing and running your own business can add immense stress, both to you personally and those around you. This is something that green industry professional Josh Currivan knows only too well. The last time we chatted, we spoke about his younger life, his upbringing, his mental health issues, and how that had led him to where he is today. In this episode, we catch up one year later to talk about mental health and entrepreneurship, and how the two are intertwined. Topics on the menu include What it means to be an entrepreneur while coping with mental health How it can impact your personal, family, and professional life How having ADHD impacts your business Why the predominantly male-dominated green industry still needs to talk more about mental health Why it's important to take moments of stillness for yourself Settle back for a chat about the pressures of wanting to succeed, why you need to take the emotion out of business decisions to, and why the "go after everything" mindset is hurting you. Connect with Josh: (Josh Currivan on Instagram) (The WeScape podcast) Support Life Through a Dram (Leave a review) (Listen on your favourite app) (Support with a donation) - it helps keep the whisky topped up! :) Contact me: My equipment (Samson Q2U Dynamic Mic) (RockJam MS050 Adjustable Mic Suspension Boom) (Dragonpad Pop Filter) Mentioned on today's show (Mental Health, Juve Systems, and MeToo, with Josh Currivan) (My wife and I, and our journey with mental health) (Lawn Care Legends Facebook group) (Bowmore 12 year old single malt whisky) Support this podcast
00:32:47 2/14/2020
Life Through a Dram
Life takes us on many twists and turns. Some, we control, some, we have zero input on whatsoever. Some turns are full of hope, opportunities, moments that turn into memories. Some are full of desperation, and a reminder of the unfairness that life can throw at us any time. Like the friends I have that are impacted by cancer at the minute, and may be fighting a losing battle, no matter how hard they push back. These twists and turns make us question the validity of living life well. After all, if we live life to the best we can, and be the best we can, yet still be struck down by something as devastating as cancer… Why bother? Why live life well at all, if that's our reward? Except… that's not our reward. Our reward is continuing to live, and enjoy, and be happy, and bring happiness to others. Because that's what defines us. That's what makes us who we are, as I discuss on this week's show. Topics on the menu include How not to pronounce Glenmorangie :) How small decisions can make big changes How leaps of faith can change lives Why we should look at our life as a reward Settle back for a chat about fate, destiny, what we can and can't control, and why we shouldn't worry about the stuff outside our control. Support Life Through a Dram (Leave a review) (Listen on your favourite app) (Support with a donation) - it helps keep the whisky topped up! :) Contact me: My equipment (Samson Q2U Dynamic Mic) (RockJam MS050 Adjustable Mic Suspension Boom) (Dragonpad Pop Filter) Mentioned on today's show (Dashboard Confessional) (Sliding Doors movie) (Glenmorangie: The Original) Support this podcast
00:07:20 2/7/2020
Life Through a Dram
With the Super Bowl weekend just gone, it seems more people are talking about the halftime show with Shakira and JLo than the actual winners of the game. And, to be honest, it's kind of ridiculous. Across multiple social media channels, posts were shared - and continue to be - from people appalled by the outfits the two Latina superstars wore, the dance moves they performed, and the apparently suggestive nature of the performance as a whole. Many NFL fans berated the organization for allowing such a show to take place, complaining that it had ruined what used to be a family-friendly event. Here's the thing, though - the NFL is hardly the beacon of family-friendliness, nor has it been for a while, as I talk about in this week's show. Topics on the menu include The hypocrisy of many NFL fans The numerous examples of where the NFL has shown their lack of family-friendly ethics The irony of the complaints about Shakira's and JLo's outfits Why we need more strong, culturally proud performers doing their thing Settle back for a chat about all that's wrong with those who'll quickly condemn the two artists at this year's Super Bowl halftime show, while happily supporting an organization that consistently shows how morally corrupt it is. Support Life Through a Dram (Leave a review) (Support with a donation) - it helps keep the whisky topped up! :) Contact me: My equipment (Samson Q2U Dynamic Mic) (RockJam MS050 Adjustable Mic Suspension Boom) (Dragonpad Pop Filter) Mentioned on today's show (Social media backlash about the Super bowl halftime show) (My blog post about the NFL's lack of morals) (Colin Kaepernick ostracization) (Ardbeg 10 year old) Support this podcast
00:09:34 2/4/2020
Life Through a Dram
Almost seven years ago, I wrote a short story entitled The Cautionary Tale of Balderdash and Hogwash, which was a chapter in my book, (The Parables of Business). I was reminded of this by one of the readers of my newsletter, who emailed me with a note that stated, "More relevant than ever, with today's climate of fake news, political divisiveness, and groupthink mentality when it comes to critical thought." I re-read the chapter again and, while I'd like to think that the world in general isn't as gullible as the followers of the two main characters, current events would suggest otherwise. I thought I'd share it here with you in this week's episode, and add some new thoughts, seven years later.. Topics on the menu include How the gullible will always have someone ready to take advantage Why we need to heed the lessons of history if we're to avoid making the same mistakes Why we need to keep fighting for those who have no voice of their own How sometimes the silliest of stories have the biggest ring of truth Settle back for a chat about not taking anything for granted, and why this time, this place, is where we need to take a stand. Support Life Through a Dram (Listen or leave a review on iTunes) (Listen on Google Podcasts) (Listen on Spotify) (Listen on RadioPublic) (Listen on Pocket Casts) (Listen on Overcast) (Support with a donation) - it helps keep the whisky topped up! :) Contact me: My equipment (Samson Q2U Dynamic Mic) (RockJam MS050 Adjustable Mic Suspension Boom) (Dragonpad Pop Filter) Mentioned on today's show (The Parables of Business) (My newsletter) (Canada and the rise of populism) (Macallan 18 year old sherry cask) Support this podcast
00:14:21 1/25/2020
Life Through a Dram
This week saw the death of Rush drummer Neil Peart. A Canadian icon, his death saw many people on social media share what he and the band he drummed for meant to them, as well as personal stories and examples of how he specifically had made a difference in their lives. One of these examples was from my good friend Bob LeDrew who, when speaking about Peart's death on Facebook, made a comment that really stuck with me, and is the title of this week's show: life owes you no more time. It's a statement that is really timely, as it comes at a time when another good friend is detailing his battle with cancer. In the Facebook group he set up to chart this journey, John Haydon posted a video that talks about how he feels at "this stage of his life", and why he believes the terminology about this being any kind of stage of life is incorrect. In this week's episode, I dive deeper into both these poignant statements, as well as how other cultures look at life, and why it's only a borrowed amount of time - eventually, we have to give it all back. Topics on the menu include The fallacy of life being in stages Why we should stop talking about middle-aged as if it were a quantifiable number Why we should heed the wisdom of those nearing the end of their lives The beliefs of the Ufaina tribe, and what vital force is Settle back for a discussion on the finite time we have on this planet, and the mindsets that are holding us back in the short calendar we call life. Support Life Through a Dram (Listen for free or leave a review on iTunes) (Listen for free on Google Podcasts) (Listen for free on RadioPublic) (Listen for free on Overcast) (Support with a donation) - it helps keep the whisky topped up! :) Contact me: My equipment (Samson Q2U Dynamic Mic) (RockJam MS050 Adjustable Mic Suspension Boom) (Dragonpad Pop Filter) Mentioned on today's show (Remembering Neil Peart) (Bob LeDrew on Neil Peart) (John Haydon on "this stage of life") (This Borrowed Life) (Life owes us nothing) (Ardbeg 10 year old) Support this podcast
00:11:39 1/12/2020
Life Through a Dram
So it's been a while since the last episode. A bunch of stuff got in the way - life, health, home, and more. All the things that usually throw you off track when you let them. But at the same time, I could have controlled how much I let these things impacted the other parts of my life, and the frequency I shipped them - this podcast, my newsletter, ideas I let slip, etc. In this week's episode, I talk about why we need to control the narrative, and ship only when we're ready to. Topics on the menu include Why we should control the way we ship, and when Why quality os always more important than quality How you can take control of your own paths (goals, plans, etc) A new project I've launched with my wife Settle back for a discussion on realizing how we're defined by our choices and the mechanics behind them. Support Life Through a Dram (Listen for free or leave a review on iTunes) (Listen for free on Google Podcasts) (Listen for free on RadioPublic) (Listen for free on Overcast) (Support with a donation) - it helps keep the whisky topped up! :) Contact me: My equipment (Samson Q2U Dynamic Mic) (RockJam MS050 Adjustable Mic Suspension Boom) (Dragonpad Pop Filter) Mentioned on today's show (Moving three hours north) (My newsletter) (M) (arketing on Tap podcast) (M) (ental Health podcast) (The Gearhead Project) (L) (agavulin 16 year old) Support this podcast
00:14:42 1/1/2020
Life Through a Dram
Recently, I posted an update on Facebook about school picture days, and how they encourage false narratives when it comes to our kids. The thinking was, we push back online when it comes to fake influencers and buying likes on social media, who try and sell us the perfect life that they lead, even when it's anything but. Yet for our kids, when it comes to the annual picture day at school, we prettify our kids, and tell them they need to be their "best self", so to speak, otherwise the pictures will be ruined. Is that truly the message and lesson we want to be giving? In this week's episode, I talk about why we need to be better, and more consistent, when it comes to being authentic in life. Topics on the menu include How we're adding unnecessary pressure on our kids How our disappointment over something little can be huge for our kids Why we need to realize that smarter does not mean better How strangers at a Gay Pride parade made kids feel loved again Settle back for a discussion on whether the happiness we're seeking for our kids is actually for them or more about ourselves, and why we need to make sure it's for the right reasons. Support Life Through a Dram (Listen for free or leave a review on iTunes) (Listen for free on Google Podcasts) (Listen for free on RadioPublic) (Listen for free on Overcast) (Support with a donation) - it helps keep the whisky topped up! :) Contact me: My equipment (Samson Q2U Dynamic Mic) (RockJam MS050 Adjustable Mic Suspension Boom) (Dragonpad Pop Filter) Mentioned on today's show (Social media addiction - marketing's downfall?) (The consequences of authenticity) (Instagram keeps deleting pictures of long-haired boys) (Warning signs of serious mental illness in children) (Bowmore 12 year old) Support this podcast
00:14:19 9/27/2019
Life Through a Dram
As parents, we can add pressure to the lives of our kids without realizing it. Instead of enjoying life as a kid, they're worrying about approval from us instead, and it's harming their growth. By adding this pressure, we're setting them up to fail, and potentially leading to deeper issues in later life, including mental health and behavioral problems. In short, we're failing our kids, and we need to start asking why this is the case, and how can we fix it. In this week's show, I chat about why we need to recognize the signs of our kids feeling pressure, and how we can redress this before it's too late. Topics on the menu include How we're adding unnecessary pressure on our kids How our disappointment over something little can be huge for our kids Why we need to realize that smarter does not mean better How strangers at a Gay Pride parade made kids feel loved again Settle back for a discussion on whether the happiness we're seeking for our kids is actually for them or more about ourselves, and why we need to make sure it's for the right reasons. Support Life Through a Dram (Listen for free or leave a review on iTunes) (Listen for free on Google Podcasts) (Listen for free on RadioPublic) (Listen for free on Overcast) (Support with a donation) - it helps keep the whisky topped up! :) Contact me: My equipment (Samson Q2U Dynamic Mic) (RockJam MS050 Adjustable Mic Suspension Boom) (Dragonpad Pop Filter) Mentioned on today's show (CBC piece by Natalie Romero) (Free Dad / Mom hugs at a Gay Pride Parade) (Be The Connected podcast about gay pride) (Glenlivet 15 year old French Oak Reserve) Support this podcast
00:18:26 6/15/2019
Life Through a Dram
Over the years, Uber and the NFL have come under scrutiny for their unethical practices. From misogynistic and threatening behaviour to women, to abusing employees and more, both companies have suffered major PR scandals. And yet we continue to support them. Why? In this week's show, I dig into this mindset of convenience over ethics. Topics on the menu include How Uber executives tried to silence female journalists How the Uber CEO abused a driver who questioned him about the falling opportunities for drivers How the NFL placed smoking weed as a higher crime than battering your partner How the cult of celebrity seems to put the spotlight on the victim as opposed to the accused Settle back for a discussion on why we seem vociferous in our condemnation of these acts, and yet also quick to forgive, either through convenience or because it's game time. Support Life Through a Dram (Listen for free or leave a review on iTunes) (Listen for free on Google Podcasts) (Listen for free on RadioPublic) (Listen for free on Overcast) (Support with a donation) - it helps keep the whisky topped up! :) Contact me: My equipment (Samson Q2U Dynamic Mic) (RockJam MS050 Adjustable Mic Suspension Boom) (Dragonpad Pop Filter) Mentioned on today's show (Uber Executive Suggests Digging Up Dirt on Journalists) (The Moment I Learned Just How Far Uber Will Go to Silence Journalists and Attack Women) (Sexist French Uber Promotion Pairs Riders with "Hot Chick" Drivers) (Uber Exec Proposes Smearing Female Reporters Who Criticized the App) (Uber Driver Told Cancer Patient She Deserves to Be Sick After Canceling Ride) (Uber CEO abuses driver over falling profits for drivers) (City of Toronto seeks injunction against Uber) (Uber uses price surging tactics on communters in need) (Ray Rice Two-Game Ban by NFL) (NFL Star Adrian Peterson Arrested for Child Abuse) (Face It, Women, The NFL Does Not Give a Shit About You) (Panthers Disappointed in Greg Hardy, But No Discipline Imminent) (The NFL Needs to Take Domestic Violence Seriously) (Misogyny and Homophobia in the NFL: Is America's Crisis of Masculinity Playing Out In Its Favorite Sport?) (Keith Olberman Calls Out the NFL)... Support this podcast
00:17:05 6/8/2019
Life Through a Dram
What if, regardless of our religious, cultural, and political beliefs, we had that one single thing in common that connects us? And, if we did have that connection, we could use that as a starting block to find other things we have in common and, by doing so, realize we're not that different after all? That's the raison d'etre behind my new project, Be The Connected. We're feeling more alone than ever—despite the promise of social media to connect us. We want to feel more connected to others; to rediscover the joy of the internet. That's where Be The Connected comes in. Through the exploration of common ground with others, and finding value in our differences, there will be conversations and articles discussing what truly matters to us, without any political or religious interference. The world doesn't need to be as divided as it is. We don't need to be as divided as we are. We can be so much more than the sum of our "differences". When it comes to connection, changing mindsets, and being a positive influence on the world, we're the decision-makers. Let's not waste that privilege. Topics on the menu include: Why I started Be the Connected How we can use the project to change the world and ourselves What to expect from Be the Connected How you can be part of it Settle back for a discussion about making a positive, lasting impact on this planet, and how we can use a simple connection to not only change the world, but change the perception of those in it. Support Life Through a Dram (Listen for free or leave a review on iTunes) (Listen for free on Google Podcasts) (Listen for free on Spotify) (Support with a donation) - it helps keep the whisky topped up! :) Contact me: My equipment: (Samson Q2U Dynamic Mic) (RockJam MS050 Adjustable Mic Suspension Boom) (Dragonpad Pop Filter) Mentioned on today's show: (Be the Connected) (Be the Connected podcast) (UNFUCD) (Postmatic) (Buffalo Trace bourbon) Support this podcast
00:11:21 5/25/2019

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