Recently, I posted an update on Facebook about school picture days, and how they encourage false narratives when it comes to our kids. The thinking was, we push back online when it comes to fake influencers and buying likes on social media, who try and sell us the perfect life that they lead, even when it's anything but. Yet for our kids, when it comes to the annual picture day at school, we prettify our kids, and tell them they need to be their "best self", so to speak, otherwise the pictures will be ruined. Is that truly the message and lesson we want to be giving? In this week's episode, I talk about why we need to be better, and more consistent, when it comes to being authentic in life. Topics on the menu include How we're adding unnecessary pressure on our kids How our disappointment over something little can be huge for our kids Why we need to realize that smarter does not mean better How strangers at a Gay Pride parade made kids feel loved again Settle back for a discussion on whether the happiness we're seeking for our kids is actually for them or more about ourselves, and why we need to make sure it's for the right reasons. Support Life Through a Dram (Listen for free or leave a review on iTunes) (Listen for free on Google Podcasts) (Listen for free on RadioPublic) (Listen for free on Overcast) (Support with a donation) - it helps keep the whisky topped up! :) Contact me: My equipment (Samson Q2U Dynamic Mic) (RockJam MS050 Adjustable Mic Suspension Boom) (Dragonpad Pop Filter) Mentioned on today's show (Social media addiction - marketing's downfall?) (The consequences of authenticity) (Instagram keeps deleting pictures of long-haired boys) (Warning signs of serious mental illness in children) (Bowmore 12 year old) Support this podcast