DjBBQ sits down with Midwest All Pro Referee Amanda Mensing, A devoted Mom and A Role Model. Her life is inspiring for not just Little girls who want to be Athletes,But for those who need a Role Model in life. Amanda is not just a Mom to two awesome boys or Ref or a Fighter in the Pro Wrestling Ring, But she's a fighter for those who need someone to make sure their voices are heard. Please listen to this inspiring story of Amanda Mensing. Ron Kilbourn here: WELCOME TO THE PRO WRESTLING UNCUT SHOW JOIN COLE DAWSON & MYSELF AS WE BREAKDOWN EVERYTHING PROWRESTLING. FOLLOW US ON TWITTER AND SHARE YOUR COMMENTS. Merch Store: [Find us on Social Media] YouTube Page: (Search) Kota iRadio Network Podcast Twitter: @KotaiRadioNetWK @ProWresUnCut @UnCut_Live Instagram: kotairadionetwk uncutlive Facebook: Our Official Podcast Page: KotaiRadioNetWK Our Official Podcast Shows: UnCutLiveShow ProWresUnCut Our Mascot Page: @MascotKotaBear [For Up to Date ProWrestling News]