Statement: "The Founders of America never envisioned assault weapons when the wrote the 2nd Amendment." Facts: The flintlock musket was the most modern, most powerful high tech weapon ever made at the time the 2nd amendment was written. Statement: "The 2nd Amendment doesn't apply to today's weapon's." Fact: Then neither does the 1st Amendment apply to Television , Radio, the Internet and certainly not pornography. Because back then the founders only had newspapers.


Global Warming

Yes there Is Global Warming, the Earth is warming up. But so are all the planets in our Solar System. Why? Because our sun is warming up.
00:01:30 8/31/2019

Past Episodes

The 2nd Amendment
Statement: "The Founders of America never envisioned assault weapons when the wrote the 2nd Amendment." Facts: The flintlock musket was the most modern, most powerful high tech weapon ever made at the time the 2nd amendment was written. Statement: "The 2nd Amendment doesn't apply to today's weapon's." Fact: Then neither does the 1st Amendment apply to Television , Radio, the Internet and certainly not pornography. Because back then the founders only had newspapers.
00:01:30 8/31/2019

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