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Parenting. There are a million books, but who has time to read them all or any of them? We muddle our way through change growing up and then become parents who have to navigate the road all over again. Parenting with Heart breaks down topics into early childhood, adolescence and teen to give you solutions. Let certified parenting coach Kristin Schmoke answer some questions and make life in your home more harmonious. Become the kind of parent you want to be. It's not all up to you. You can lean on us too. Find her on Instagram @kristinschmokeparenting and also on the link her website Kristin Schmoke Parenting She is available for one on one parent coaching and so much more. 

This production is part of Nothing Serious Productions. You can find more episodes at our website 2 Monicas Podcast 

Instagram: @kristinschmokeparenting

Facebook: The Parenting Villiage


Parenting With Heart

Repairing Relationships - Kids and Conflict

Kristin Schmoke asks the question, do you make your child say "I'm sorry"? Many parents do. The importance of saying I'm sorry is more than the words though. It is about repairing a relationship. Perhaps it's a relationship with a friend, perhaps it's a relationship with your child. In this episode we discuss how to help your child move through hurt feelings. We can all learn how to repair relationships to move toward a healthy relationship. 

About Kristin Schmoke Parent Coach: Kristin has her Masters in Elementary Education, two decades working in Elementary Education, is a certified Parent Coach and mother of 4. She offers one on one parenting sessions along with group sessions to help you become the parent you want to be. You can find her online at Kristin Schmoke Parenting and on Facebook in The Parenting Village. 

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Force of Nature Clean - It's strong enough to kill bacteria and viruses just like bleach, but it has no toxic chemicals whatsoever! It also has reusable bottles, it's so much better for the environment than typical cleaners. Click the link to start your journey to a toxin free clean.

Parenting with Heart is a Nothing Serious Production  

Follow Kristin on Instagram @kristinschmokeparenting

Additional Nothing Serious productions:

2 Monicas & a Microphone 

Spotlight Interviews

00:26:00 6/19/2023

Past Episodes

Parenting With Heart

It's summer and you'll hear "I'm bored" from your kids more than once. Is over scheduling and constant screens that create kids who are bored at the drop of a hat? How do you deal? Life is different now and that makes parenting different too. Listen to Kristin Schmoke Parenting Coach as she helps us all understand *it's okay to be bored* along with other helpful tips to help you make the most of summer.

IG @kristinschmokeparenting 

FB: join The Parenting Village

About Kristin Schmoke Parent Coach: Kristin has her Masters in Elementary Education, two decades working in Elementary Education, is a certified Parent Coach and mother of 4. She offers one on one parenting sessions along with group sessions to help you become the parent you want to be. You can find her online at Kristin Schmoke Parenting and on Facebook in The Parenting Village.

Support the show!

Force of Nature Clean - It's strong enough to kill bacteria and viruses just like bleach, but it has no toxic chemicals whatsoever! It also has reusable bottles, it's so much better for the environment than typical cleaners. Click the link to start your journey to a toxin free clean.

Parenting with Heart is a Nothing Serious Production

Additional Nothing Serious productions:

2 Monicas & a Microphone

Spotlight Interviews

00:25:11 6/8/2023
Parenting With Heart

Mom guilt, we've all heard the phrase. But it's not just exclusive to moms. Parents can feel guilt for a number of reasons. Guilt for yelling. Guilt for having another child. Guilt for working. Guilt for using daycare. Guilt for going on vacation. Guilt for wanting time alone. Guilt. Guilt. Guilt. Is it normal? Is it healthy? And what is the best way to overcome those feelings to be your best parenting self? Kristin Schmoke Parenting is here to help.

About Kristin Schmoke Parent Coach: Kristin has her Masters in Elementary Education, two decades working in Elementary Education, is a certified Parent Coach and mother of 4. She offers one on one parenting sessions along with group sessions to help you become the parent you want to be. You can find her online at Kristin Schmoke Parenting and on Facebook in The Parenting Village.

Follow Kristin on IG @kristinschmokeparenting

Support the show!

Force of Nature Clean - It's strong enough to kill bacteria and viruses just like bleach, but it has no toxic chemicals whatsoever! It also has reusable bottles, it's so much better for the environment than typical cleaners. Click the link to start your journey to a toxin free clean.

Parenting with Heart is a Nothing Serious Production

Additional Nothing Serious productions:

2 Monicas & a Microphone

Spotlight Interviews 

00:32:27 6/6/2023
Parenting With Heart

As a parent you've probably experienced the judging eyes of others at the playground, in the grocery store or while out to dinner. It makes you feel terrible. So why do we do it? In today's episode we explore how to turn our tendency to judge into compassion and empathy for other parents. 

About Kristin Schmoke Parent Coach: Kristin has her Masters in Elementary Education, two decades working in Elementary Education, is a certified Parent Coach and mother of 4. She offers one on one parenting sessions along with group sessions to help you become the parent you want to be. You can find her online at Kristin Schmoke Parenting and on Facebook in The Parenting Village.

IG @kristinschmokeparenting

FB: join The Parenting Village

Support the show!

Force of Nature Clean - It's strong enough to kill bacteria and viruses just like bleach, but it has no toxic chemicals whatsoever! It also has reusable bottles, it's so much better for the environment than typical cleaners. Click the link to start your journey to a toxin free clean.

Parenting with Heart is a Nothing Serious Production

Additional Nothing Serious productions:

2 Monicas & a Microphone

Spotlight Interviews 

00:22:55 1/30/2023
Parenting With Heart
Do you struggle getting your kids off screens and outside? Or just outside to begin with? Parenting with Heart host Kristin Schmoke shares ideas for getting our kids outside and all the benefits of being outdoors. Parenting is hard enough, then add the complexity of making your kids "well rounded". Whatever. Fortunately, we have Kristin Schmoke Parenting Coach here to help. Find her at, join The Parenting Village on Facebook or better yet, join You can find her on Instagram @kristinschmoke_parentcoach and also on the link in our website Parenting with Heart is a 2 Monicas Podcast Production
00:27:27 9/19/2022
Parenting With Heart
Are you a parent who wonders what your kid eats for lunch when the lunch box comes back full of what you lovingly made? This episode is for you. We talk lunch making, eating, and how to get your kids involved in the day to day business of meals. Parenting is hard enough, then add the complexity of making your kids "well rounded". Whatever. Fortunately, we have Kristin Schmoke Parenting Coach here to help. Find her at, join The Parenting Village on Facebook or better yet, join You can find her on Instagram @kristinschmoke_parentcoach and also on the link in our website Parenting with Heart is a 2 Monicas Podcast Production
00:16:00 8/25/2022
Parenting With Heart
Introducing Parenting with Heart. Change. The best selling book Who Moved My Cheese tries to help adults deal with it. But who helps our kids? We muddle our way through change growing up and then become parents who have to navigate the road all over again. That is where Parenting with Heart comes in. Let's answer some questions and make life in your home more harmonious. It's not all up to you. You can lean on us too. Parenting is hard enough, then add the complexity of making your kids "well rounded". Whatever. Fortunately, we have Kristin Schmoke Parenting Coach here to help. Find her at, join The Parenting Village on Facebook or better yet, join Parenting with Heart is a 2 Monicas Podcast Production
00:17:00 8/25/2022

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