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I have had many thoughts about pursuing something creative in media with many false starts. I am now starting a new podcast with the plan on Moving Forward with my passions and No longer taking Breaks that prevent any form of traction in making progress.


Moving Forward, No Breaks

S2Ep1: Pushing Through

When life's circumstances come at you how do you respond? Do you push through knowing the One who is leading you THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death? Are you asking Him for a miracle to your present situation? Do you realize that miracle that you are requesting from Him is an "insignificant thing" for Him to accomplish and He is able to do because He is a Good Good Father?
00:00:00 2/25/2025

Past Episodes

Moving Forward, No Breaks
Episode Description: Sometimes when you watch a program with a friend do they get something completely out of it where you ask them "Were you watching the same show?" ? I had that same thought this week after viewing a particular program which got me thinking, Why.
00:00:00 10/22/2024
Moving Forward, No Breaks
I just find some things funny but I'm encouraged too
00:00:00 10/14/2024
Moving Forward, No Breaks
Do you often complain to God, why am I going through this? I know I do, especially when the fire is "lit" and unbearable
00:00:00 9/30/2023
Moving Forward, No Breaks
Jamal and Queen Rita share a testimony of Jamal's faith to return back to college after unexpected news.
00:00:00 9/17/2023
Moving Forward, No Breaks
Are we asking God to bless the very thing that is killing us?
00:00:00 8/10/2023
Moving Forward, No Breaks
Karim and Jamal discuss on the topic of Unity
00:00:00 7/7/2023
Moving Forward, No Breaks
The Boyce Bros (Karim & Jamal) have a Spirit-led discussion on Identity and the crisis of not having one based in Christ.
00:00:00 3/5/2023
Moving Forward, No Breaks
It's been a long time, you thought I left you. Nope. Your boy is back from a case of the Omegatron and slothfulness. Coming back FULL FORCE!
00:00:00 3/29/2022
Moving Forward, No Breaks
How I can relate to Joseph's Journey to his purpose through a series of setbacks and obstacles.
00:00:00 1/4/2022

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