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Delivering Impact podcast will spotlight fellow entrepreneurs, political leaders, and non-profit organizations that are shaping and changing our communities.


Delivering Impact

Episode 8 Lateefah Durant CityWorks DC

Our guest today is Lateefah Durant. Ms. Durant serves as Vice President of Innovation at CityWorks DC ensuring that young people have the work experience, social capital, and credentials needed to compete for family sustaining jobs. CityWork DC programs are providing young adults with apprenticeship opportunities in high demand, high wage industries such as IT, Finance, and transformative career coaching.

Lateefah Durant

CityWorks DC

CityWorks DC Embark

Arizona State University Local DC

National Apprenticeship Week

00:22:24 8/30/2023

Past Episodes

Delivering Impact

Our guest today is Kristi C. Whitfield Director of the District of Columbia Small and Local Business Development. DSLBD is a government agency with a mission to support the development, economic growth, and retention of District -bases businesses and promote economic development throughout the district commercial corridors. Director Whitfield provides insight regarding Distrit of Columbia Certified Business Enterprise, DSLBD small business grant opportunities, and upcoming initiatives.


DC Department of Small and Local Business Website | dslbd (

Dream Pitch 2023 Dream Pitch Program | dslbd (

DC Certified Business Enterprise Program CBE Certifications | dslbd (

DC Green Book Green Book: Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Opportunity Guide | dslbd ( Aspire Program Aspire to Entrepreneurship | dslbd (

Made in DC Made in DC Certification Program | dslbd

Kiva Hub DC Kiva Hub at DSLBD | dslbd

Art All Night DC Art All Night | dslbd

Obviously DC #ObviouslyDC

00:21:14 6/16/2023
Delivering Impact

Ms. Emmalyne Head took a leap of faith and established Southern Belle Cleaners. Along with janitorial, Southern Belle Cleaners provides a specialty service called extreme declutter which assists seniors and those that have fallen victim to Hoarding. Emmalyne has recently started facilitating workshops providing Hoarding prevention tips. Her mission is to start a judgment-free dialogue and encourage others to seek help when unable to manage housekeeping responsibilities on their own.

Southern Belle Cleaners Website Southern Belle Cleaners (

Connect with Emmalyne Head on LinkedIn Southern Belle Cleaners DMV | LinkedIn

00:27:08 4/13/2023
Delivering Impact

Mrs. Antionette Blake more commonly known and widely recognized as a multi-award winning "Delaware Blogger'' is also a podcast host, vlogger, author, social media strategist, educator/coach and professional speaker. Antionette is the content creator of the Del Blogger blog and hosts 2 podcasts: Out & About with Antionette and The Delaware Blogger Podcast. As the owner of A. Blake Enterprises, Social Media Marketing and Consulting she works with industry leaders, business owners and entrepreneurs assisting them with strategies to help them broaden their brand and expand their exposure online. 

A. Blake Enterprises- A. Blake Enterprises – Social Media Marketer & Consultant (

Delaware Blogger Podcast Delaware Blogger Podcast • A podcast on Anchor

Out and About with Antionette Why You Must Take Care of Your Body as You Take Care of Your Business in Out & About with Antionette Blake (

00:18:54 2/17/2023
Delivering Impact

Our guests today guest is Josh Nowack Co-Founder of Breaking Free Industries. Josh experienced first-hand the challenge in finding employment post-incarceration. This lead to the inspiration to start Breaking Free Industries which is a tee-shirt printing shop located in Santa Ana, CA. The mission is to provide second chance employment opportunities to formerly incarcerated individuals while providing quality apparel in a cost-efficient fashion. Josh also is an instructor and board member for Brian Hamilton Foundation Inmates to Entrepreneurs. 

Breaking Free Industries Breaking Free Industries | Screen Printing | Santa Ana, CA

Brian Hamilton Foundation Inmates to Entrepreneurs Inmates to Entrepreneurs - Brian Hamilton Foundation

Prison Policy Initiative Prison Policy Initiative 

Second Chance Business Coalition Homepage (

00:36:06 1/26/2023
Delivering Impact

Episode 3 spotlight sisters Marie Stanley and Cathy Stanley. Collectively have backgrounds as Television Producers, Event Managers, and a previous operated small business Honey's Desserts. Honey's Coffee Company is a coffee brand founded in the nation's capital, Washington, DC. It's a coffee brand that's family-owned, sister-owned, and black-owned. The company is named after their grandfather Eugene McCabe from New Haven, Connecticut. Honey was the nickname given by the family.

Honey's Coffee Company Website: Fresh Roasted Coffee Delivered To Your Door – Honey's Coffee Company (

Honey's Coffee Company Instagram Honey's Coffee Company (@honeyscoffeecompany) • Instagram photos and videos

00:16:11 12/28/2022
Delivering Impact

Episode 2 guest Nathan Garcia Founder Pocket Planner Inc.

Nathan discusses his journey to become a certified financial planner, and his vision for Pocket Plan app. Pocket Plan is an easy-to-use social engagement tool that allows you to build your financial plan in minutes and share that data with Financial Professionals if you choose.

LinkedIn Nathan Garcia, CFP® | LinkedIn

Pocket Plan App Pocket Plan Personal Finance App - Pocket Plan App

Mavrik Digital Home - Mavrik Digital (

My Retirement TV Blog My Retirement TV - Best Personal Finance Retirement Blog

00:35:57 12/21/2022
Delivering Impact

Welcome to Delivering Impact Podcast- Host Dwight Deloatch provides introduction.

00:01:24 11/28/2022

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