After All Is Said & Done - then we will know, won't we? But perhaps we can know now, if we choose to. The question then is, will we choose to?
Islamist Mass Murderer of ten, attempted murderer of many, many tens, 'taken into custody' by Boulder, CO police and SWAT team, unbelievable!
US House of Representatives once again panders to Greta Thunberg. The ironies in her demands of Congress.
Canada's Despotic Regime's war against Christian Churches generally, but especially GraceLife Church of Edmonton, Alberta, and Pastor James Coates via lackey RCMP, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Lies, indoctrination, propaganda, and marching toward despotic tyrants' World-Wide Fascist Police State.
Time is running out, "Better red than dead?"
Jeremiah 4.