Take it up with Creative - Ending The Undertaker's Streak

Happy Halloween! We are wrapping things up here on Undertaker Month with a bang! A highly debated topic in the world or pro wrestling. The Undertaker's Streak. Who should have ended it? When should it have ended? SHOULD it have ended? Today, Cole & Ron put on their Creative Crocs, and come up with their own ideas for how they would end The Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak. Tune in now!

The Creative Team
00:45:28 10/25/2023

Past Episodes

The Creative Team
Buckle up brothers, because this episode is going to be fun. Ron and Cole continue the month of July discussing all things The Hulkster. So far, we discussed his best matches, and we transported him to ECW, but today we are going to be doing so much time traveling as we talk about the greatest moments in the immortal career of Hulk Hogan. The Creative Team must put their heads together and solidify the TOP 10 Hulk Hogan moments of all time. Whatcha gonna do when The Creative Team and all of Hulk Hogan's moments run wild on you!?
01:16:23 7/17/2024
The Creative Team
On this episode of the Creative Team. Hulk Hogan month takes it to the EXTREME! Cole & Ron will attempt to create the perfect scenario for Hulk Hogan to appear in ECW! A topic so far-fetched, it would take a mastermind to pull off! When could this have happened? Who would Hulk Hogan face? Find out today! Before you press play, ask yourself Whatcha gonna do when Hulk Hogan in ECW runs wild on you!
01:03:20 7/10/2024
The Creative Team
Well, you know something, Creative Team fans!? July is going to be for all the maniacs out there! From the squared circle to the big screen. The star of the first 8 WrestleManias. A global icon. The leader of Hulkamania, July will be Hulk Hogan month! All month long we will be talking all things Hulk Hogan, and it couldn't have come at a better time! Tomorrow is Independence Day, and we are going to ignite some fireworks with a Top 10 list that will surely be Immortal. It's the top 10 Hulk Hogan matches of all time. So whatcha gonna do when The Creative Team & Hulk Hogan Month run wild on you!?
01:15:52 7/3/2024
The Creative Team
It's Wednesday. You know what that means. It is the last day of All Elite June, and we are wrapping it up with the follow-up to our previous episode. Take it up with Creative - The AEW Women's Division started off with some good old fashioned Creative Team drafting. We picked the talents we planned on showcasing for an entire year. Today, we put our brains together and book that year. What sort of twists and turns will we dive into today. Only one way to find out. Press play!
01:11:09 6/26/2024
The Creative Team
It's Wednesday! You know what that means! Another episode of the Creative Team during an All-Elite June! Today, we begin a 2-part Take it up with Creative for the ages. We can sit here all day and discuss what AEW can do better with certain talents on their very loaded roster, but there is one corner of the company that has needed a shake up since the very beginning. With the exception of a couple shining moments, The Women's division in AEW lacks the prestige we were all promised at the beginning. Today we run through the roster and compile a final list of talents, and from there, come up with a year of creative to bring some much-deserved spotlight to this division. Sounds impossible? Not for the Creative Team
01:14:38 6/19/2024
The Creative Team
Strap in for a fun Top 10 today ladies and gentlemen! This countdown will surely be All-Elite. We usually discuss the best moments when we narrow down events that have taken place. This week, we are going to discuss the questionable moments. The moments that perhaps didn't go quite as planned. The moments that had us either laughing or yelling at your screen, and not for the reasons you think. So, sit back and enjoy some cringe. It is The Top,,,, 10.... Moments? in All Elite Wrestling. Let's have some fun today!
01:04:15 6/12/2024
The Creative Team
It's Wednesday! You know what that means! It's not just another Creative Team episode! It's the first episode of June that we are calling All Elite June! It's a working title. For the month of June, we will be discussing all things All Elite Wrestling. Today we kick it off with a Top 10! AEW has produced some of the best bell to bell performances in the last 5 years. How can we decide on 10 matches? Tune in today to find out!
01:09:13 6/5/2024
The Creative Team
And we're back! We hope you missed us! Sometimes in life, Card is subject to change! Never fear, The Creative Team is here, and we are bringing you a super episode today! First, we take a look back at WWE's King & Queen of the Ring Premium Live Event, and we get into the action packed Double or Nothing PPV from AEW. Then we pivot to why we are really here. We promised you 2 Take it up with Creative episodes for The Rock for the month of May and we intend to do just that. ALL IN ONE Episode. So, sit back and enjoy a special Take it WAY up with Creative as we dive into the possibilities of what would happen if The Rock jumped to WCW. From there, we are putting our fantasy booking hats on and discuss what the Rock could do and should do at WrestleMania 41. It's a super episode! Enjoy!
02:02:07 5/29/2024
The Creative Team
The elbow pad is coming off today on The Creative Team. Ron and Cole have a top 10 that will surely raise the eyebrows of the millions... AND MILLIONS of The Rock's fans during Rock Month. The Rock has had many iconic matches throughout the years. He was larger than life that can make you feel something while watching him the ring. Join us as we discuss and solidify once and for all The Top 10 Matches of The Rock. Enjoy!
01:03:29 5/15/2024
The Creative Team
Welcome to the 2nd week of Rock month. Where we talk about all things The Great One! Today, we rewrite some history. Today, we fantasy book what could have been an instant classic. One of those dream-matches that truly got away in this industry, and we have to forever live with the question, "What if...?" Today, Ron & Cole discuss the road it would take to get to a showdown between The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment, The Rock & Mr. WrestleMania, The Heart-Break Kid, Shawn Michaels. Tune in now!
01:10:20 5/8/2024

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