If you have never tried to buy booze on a Sunday before 9AM in Missouri...don't. I didn't even know this was a "thing." Plus, if you are in the market for a homemade PSL recipe, today's episode has you covered. Cheers!
Amanda is BACK! The gang's all here for a quickie on cleaning out your clutter. Why we donate and resell or pass on our clothes and that time Leah caught on fire. Ashley reviews Pretty Frank natural deodorant and we drink water. That's right, water. Still not sure why. But, cheers!
If you have ever been yelled at in a Target parking lot, or given a discount because you look old, you should totally listen. Ashley and Leah have a couple epic "Manager, Please!" moments on this episode. Producer Brooke is absent, so Ashley's husband fills in for her. Let's just say he is more than boring!
We dive into a clean living challenge started by Hoda & Jenna (Today Show) and try to adopt a few simple changes in 2020. We review BeautyCounter's charcoal mask and start using the EWG app as well as Think Dirty to try and reduce the chemicals coming into our homes. Don't worry, it's not all world changing - toxic chemical reducing, we laugh way too hard about Brooke's Awkward Moment and at ourselves, you can totally relate. #HatersGonnaHate