Episode 179: Certified badass Josie Rimmer joins us from the Pacific Northwest to talk all things DirtFish, demystify the sport of rally and drive home the importance of women in motorsport. Come for the Arcade Fire, stay for the Michèle Mouton. 4 right, flat over jump! DirtFish: dirtfish.com Women in Motorsport Summit: drive.dirtfish.com/wim-summit-2024 Enter our code STEERING at checkout for 10% off your watch at JackSloane.com and follow them at @jacksloanewatchco. Check out RiNo Sign Works' amazing signs at rinosignworks.com and @rinosignworks. Realtor Daryl Vaughn believes that with every move your life should improve! @Daryl_Global_Realtor and 720.432.5335. And, for badass Belgian brews, visit our Bruz Beers friends at bruzbeers.com, @bruzbeers and @bruzofffax.

The Steering Committee
00:55:54 2/8/2024

Past Episodes

The Steering Committee
Episode 185: You're still here? It's over. Go home. Go. @ryanbahrke @cannonsrun Enter our code STEERING at checkout for 10% off your watch at JackSloane.com and follow them on Instagram at @jacksloanewatchco. Check out RiNo Sign Works' amazing signs at rinosignworks.com and follow them on the 'gram at @rinosignworks! Realtor Daryl Vaughn believes that with every move your life should improve! Follow him at @Daryl_Global_Realtor or call him at 720.432.5335. Visit our Bruz Beers friends at bruzbeers.com and follow them on IG at @bruzbeers and @bruzofffax for badass Belgian brews!
01:11:21 3/21/2024
The Steering Committee
Episode 184: TSC pal Allen Orchard joins us to talk Rivian superiority, Tesla disruption, McLaren excellence and why nice guys like Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button finish first. Also, the paradox of not getting to drive the cars you've designed, the fundamental goodness of the Ferrari F40, why it's okay to PDK and the importance of being authentic. Recorded live at All Season Brewing in Los Angeles. @mr_allenorchard Enter our code STEERING at checkout for 10% off your watch at JackSloane.com and follow them on Instagram at @jacksloanewatchco. Check out RiNo Sign Works' amazing signs at rinosignworks.com and follow them on the 'gram at @rinosignworks! Realtor Daryl Vaughn believes that with every move your life should improve! Follow him at @Daryl_Global_Realtor or call him at 720.432.5335. Visit our Bruz Beers friends at bruzbeers.com and follow them on IG @bruzbeers and @bruzofffax for badass Belgian brews!
01:02:41 3/14/2024
The Steering Committee
Episode 183: We struggle with Florida's EV charging network, deal with their nutty Lyft drivers, drink way too many of their G+Ts, rub shoulders with their car royalty and enjoy the best that Hagerty's Amelia Island Concours weekend has to offer. The Concours, Cars & Community, Radwood, the Amelia Hangar event and the Brumos Collection... oh my. Also, pals Evan Lewis and Kris Bajkowski stop by the garage to talk GT3RSs, GT350s and cocaine-themed license plates. Shift Colorado Magazine: shiftcoloradomagazine.com Enter our code STEERING at checkout for 10% off your watch at JackSloane.com and follow them at @jacksloanewatchco. Check out RiNo Sign Works' amazing signs at rinosignworks.com and @rinosignworks. Realtor Daryl Vaughn believes that with every move your life should improve! Find him on Instagram, @Daryl_Global_Realtor and call him at 720.432.5335. We're big fans of beer here on The Steering Committee. Visit our Bruz Beers friends at bruzbeers.com, @bruzbeers and @bruzofffax for badass Belgian brews.
00:59:25 3/7/2024
The Steering Committee
Episode 182: Over some fantastic Scotch, we solve the world's problems and talk shop with our pal Maurice Merrick, on this special crossover episode of The Steering Committee. BMW 2002s, Diesel VWs, exploding Model As, Series Land Rovers, funky Peugeots, artificial intelligence and living the California dream. Recorded live at Hagerty Garage + Social in Van Nuys, California. We're big fans of Maurice and his Horsepower Heritage network. Follow him at @horsepowerheritage on Instagram and at Horsepower Heritage on YouTube and wherever you listen to podcasts! Hagerty Garage + Social: @garageandsocial and garageandsocial.com Enter our code STEERING at checkout for 10% off your watch at JackSloane.com and follow them at @jacksloanewatchco. Check out RiNo Sign Works' amazing signs at rinosignworks.com and @rinosignworks. Realtor Daryl Vaughn believes that with every move your life should improve! @Daryl_Global_Realtor and 720.432.5335. And, for badass Belgian brews, visit our Bruz Beers friends at bruzbeers.com, @bruzbeers and @bruzofffax.
00:58:07 2/29/2024
The Steering Committee
Episode 181: We're live from the Lyon Air Museum in Santa Ana, California for a fun show with pals Lindsey Jesch and Dan Pilling. We trade a Porsche 356 for a Merkur XR4Ti, terrorize LA freeways in a Maserati SUV and know why the caged Bug sings. Lyon Air Museum: lyonairmuseum.org Petersen Museum: petersen.org 077 Media: www.077.media Dan Pilling: @d9nnyp Lindsey Jesch: @lindseymjesch Enter our code STEERING at checkout for 10% off your watch at JackSloane.com and follow them at @jacksloanewatchco. Check out RiNo Sign Works' amazing signs at rinosignworks.com and @rinosignworks. Realtor Daryl Vaughn believes that with every move your life should improve! @Daryl_Global_Realtor and 720.432.5335. And, for badass Belgian brews, visit our Bruz Beers friends at bruzbeers.com, @bruzbeers and @bruzofffax.
01:08:37 2/23/2024
The Steering Committee
Episode 180: Good egg and Scotch gentleman Kris O'Neill joins us to talk all things CannonBawz, model vintage enthusiast apparel over the internet, spread love the Cayman way and share why it's all for his late brother, Liam. We discover too that everyone in Scotland lives in a castle and owns a distillery. True story. While we didn't get to it during the show, Kris wanted to thank Messrs. Christopher Michaels, Jay Roberts and Ben "Charlie Safari" Wilson for joining them on the Cannonbawz Run this year and last. In Kris' words, "lovely guys with amazing stories that everyone really enjoyed." The CannonBawz Run: cannonbawz.com and @thecannonbawzrun, on Instagram Enter our code STEERING at checkout for 10% off your watch at JackSloane.com and follow Jack Sloane at @jacksloanewatchco. Check out RiNo Sign Works' amazing signs at rinosignworks.com and @rinosignworks. Realtor Daryl Vaughn believes that with every move your life should improve! @Daryl_Global_Realtor and 720.432.5335. And, for badass Belgian brews, visit our Bruz Beers friends at bruzbeers.com, @bruzbeers and @bruzofffax.
00:49:00 2/15/2024
The Steering Committee
Episode 178: We trip up on Texas geography, insult BMW owners, ponder the new Porsche Macan EV and argue with a computer. Enter our code STEERING at checkout for 10% off your watch at JackSloane.com and follow them at @jacksloanewatchco. Check out RiNo Sign Works' amazing signs at rinosignworks.com and @rinosignworks. Realtor Daryl Vaughn believes that with every move your life should improve! @Daryl_Global_Realtor and 720.432.5335. And, for badass Belgian brews, visit our Bruz Beers friends at bruzbeers.com, @bruzbeers and @bruzofffax.
01:08:11 2/1/2024
The Steering Committee
Episode 177: David Hasselhoff sings and Bruz Beers' Ryan Evans visits. We talk Belgian beer and give away one hell of a nice watch. The people of Andorra receive a message of peace and love and the guys from Shift Colorado Magazine get us ready for our closeup. Join us for a fun and factual TSC. Did you get me my Cheez Whiz, boy? Enter our code STEERING at checkout for 10% off your watch at JackSloane.com and follow them at @jacksloanewatchco. Check out RiNo Sign Works' amazing signs at rinosignworks.com and @rinosignworks. Realtor Daryl Vaughn believes that with every move your life should improve! @Daryl_Global_Realtor and 720.432.5335. And, for badass Belgian brews, visit our Bruz Beers friends at bruzbeers.com, @bruzbeers and @bruzofffax.
01:04:13 1/25/2024
The Steering Committee
Episode 176: A quickie after-hours bonus episode with Oliver Rotkis. NSFW beer talk. General angst. Life advice. Lots of Porsche 944 misinformation. Don't forget to follow, subscribe and spread the word! Enter our code STEERING at checkout for 10% off your watch at JackSloane.com and follow them at @jacksloanewatchco. Check out RiNo Sign Works' amazing signs at rinosignworks.com and @rinosignworks. Realtor Daryl Vaughn believes that with every move your life should improve! @Daryl_Global_Realtor and 720.432.5335. And, for badass Belgian brews, visit our Bruz Beers friends at bruzbeers.com, @bruzbeers and @bruzofffax.
00:28:11 1/21/2024
The Steering Committee
Episode 175: Things get spicy when pal Oliver Rotkis drops by the garage. We get a pink Porsche stuck in the snow, meet an old Swede named Stanley Blubrick and discover that there's at least one vegan goth strip club in Portland. Also, self-censoring, German cocaine and death by dysentery. What a show. Don't forget to listen for the SECRET WORD for your chance to win a Jack Sloane watch! Mentions: Portland's Casa Diablo Vegan Strip Club: casadiablo.com Denver Racing Sim: denverracingsim.com Steering Committee partners: Enter our code STEERING at checkout for 10% off your watch at JackSloane.com and follow them at @jacksloanewatchco. Check out RiNo Sign Works' amazing signs at rinosignworks.com and @rinosignworks. Realtor Daryl Vaughn believes that with every move your life should improve! @Daryl_Global_Realtor and 720.432.5335. And, for badass Belgian brews, visit our Bruz Beers friends at bruzbeers.com, @bruzbeers and @bruzofffax.
01:12:09 1/18/2024

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