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Movie Sherpas Ep 22. Four Great Gangster Films

In this epsidoe the boys discuss some great crime Films. In true movie sherpa fashion these arent your typical picks....excpet for scarface but I mean come on. Join the duscussion on Twitter @Movie_Sherpas Check out our facebook group!!

Movie Sherpas
01:51:32 11/19/2021

Past Episodes

Movie Sherpas
The boys discuss a weird one on this epsiode. Jordan Peeles senior offering Nope. Controversy abounds.
01:33:05 9/9/2022
Movie Sherpas
This week the boys take it back....kinda. Prey is a fantastic addition to a franchise near and dear to the Movie sherpas hearts.
01:14:49 9/2/2022
Movie Sherpas
In this epsiode the boys take on a touchy subject. REMAKES!! They discuss the pupose of remakes and some of their favorites....and not so favorites.
00:54:31 8/19/2022
Movie Sherpas
In this epsiode the boys discuss everyones favorite video sharing service........vimeo. No just kidding we aren't the FBI its YouTube. This simple file sharing site turned into a social media juggernaut and has made stars out of anybody with a camera and an internet connection. The boys take on the topic and discuss everything from shark week to films that went from viral clip to box office hit. Anthony Jeselnik Shark Party Shark Breaks through cage
01:08:18 8/12/2022
Movie Sherpas
In this episode the boys discuss The Sopranos and the impact this particular show had on the future of episodic entertainment and the blockbuster series that were made possible by its success. You can watch the Sopranos now on HBO Max. $9.99 a month gives you access to a massive library of great entertainment that according to the Movie Sherpas "Is curated with a specific bar set on quality that is unmatched by many other streaming services." Check it out!!
00:52:00 12/18/2021
Movie Sherpas
In this epsiode the boys discuss a hot button topic. Even John Maclane himself Bruce Willis has weighed in on this subject so lets see what the Movie Sherpas Have to say. Join the duscussion on Twitter @Movie_Sherpas Check out our facebook group!!
00:42:31 12/3/2021
Movie Sherpas
In this episode the boys look at a left over from spooky season. The lodge is a psycological thrill ride that will have you questioning everything even up to its horrific ending. Then you'll watch it again!! Also we dive into a little bit of the true crime side of mosives like this and tease a possible true crime filled holiday season!!!
01:14:02 11/12/2021
Movie Sherpas
In this episode Warren and Jason go back to spooky season and tell us their top 5 from the list of terrifying treasures they uncovered during the month of October!!
01:39:53 11/5/2021
Movie Sherpas
In this episode the boys take on two amazing true crime inspired movies to round out this spooky season. Summer of 84 and The Clove Hitch Killer are completely different takes on the scariest of subjects. What if the monsters were next door.
01:11:56 10/31/2021
Movie Sherpas
There are some movies out there that defy your expectations. Some films just do it right. The Dark and the Wicked delivers....PERIOD! Everything from the atmospherics to the acting to the effects even the texture represented on screen is 100% magnetically terrifying. Enjoy this film we know we did! Join The Movie Sherpas Podcast Facebook Group Check us out on Twitter @movie_sherpas The List includes Decent Into Darkness- Amazon Cleansing Hour- Amazon The Blackwell Ghost- Amazon Gonjiam Haunted Asylum- Amazon The Lost Footage of Leah Sullivan- YouTube, Amazon Host- Shudder Lake Mungo- Amazon My Friend Dahmer- Amazon The House that Jack Built- Amazon The Vigil- Amazon The Dark and the Wicked The Lodge- Amazon Sacrament- Amazon Hell House LLC- Amazon Summer of 84- Amazon The Clove Hitch Killer- Amazon Haunt- Amazon
00:38:48 10/28/2021

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