Episode 3: Know Your Betty... Meet BB! Betty B is just your every day mid 30s Punk Rock Juliet. A dreamer trying to be an artist in a world with all the vibrant colors. Born and raised in the South by a crazy strict mother from the Far East, BB loves punk & unicorns... but that doesn't even cover all her favorite earth creatures? Let this episode show you which Betty will fight you? But the real question will be answered... Can you really have a car chase without law enforcement involved, let BB tell you how! Sit back, relax, and let's have a fucking dinner party with your favorite Bettys and some of their crazy antics! Like what you hear... want to help support 2 broke girls? Join our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BabblingBettys Also, find us on Instagram and Twitter @babblingbettys | All music in this episode is from www.freemusicarchive.org Opening Music: Pudge- Fuckin' Yes Mate | (Original Release Date: 11/18/19)
Episode 4: Oscar and His Wilde Ass Dick Part 2
The final installment of Oscar Wilde and his life is here... We are at the end of the rabbit hole and now it is time to see who is the real winner of the day in Oscar's confusing and dramatic life. Is there more penis out there for Oscar to conquer or will "Clemintine" finally win his heart forever?
"Sit back, relax, and let's have a fucking dinner party" with your favorite Bettys and some of their crazy antics!
Like what you hear... want to help support 2 broke girls?
Join our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BabblingBettys
Also, find us on Instagram and Twitter @babblingbettys
All music in this episode is from www.freemusicarchive.org
Opening Music: Pudge- Fuckin' Yes Mate
Babbling Betty's Sweeper: All Star Trio- Oh, By Jingo
(Original Release Date: 11/25/19)
Episode 1: Oscar and His Wilde Ass Dick Part 1
How can 2 best friends from totally dysfunctional backgrounds, still function as everyday humans?
Join us as we go into a rabbit hole and find out what BB does at 3 am when she can't sleep and how Stephen James lead her down a magical adventure of Oscar Wilde and his dick-a-pades. Listen for V and her Russian accent. What is Moose Knuckles and where can you get some?
"Sit back, relax, and let's have a fucking dinner party" with your favorite Bettys and some of their crazy antics!
Like what you hear... want to help support 2 broke girls?
Join our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BabblingBettys
Also, find us on Instagram and Twitter @babblingbettys
All music in this episode is from www.freemusicarchive.org
Opening Music: Pudge- Fuckin' Yes Mate
Babbling Betty's Sweeper: All Star Trio- Oh, By Jingo
Moose Knuckles "Ad": Cosmic Relevance- Unheard Music Concepts,
Scott Holmes- Stomps and Claps, and Scott Holmes- Upbeat Party
(Original Release Date: 11/4/19)