Episode 140: 1985's St. Elmo's Fire and 1994's Reality Bites

What better way to acknowledge graduation season than by looking at how two different generations approached their big day? The unkindly dubbed "Brat Pack" of the 80s and Generation X of the 90s grab the spotlight as they cope with questions about careers, relationships, finances, self-identity, and personal values. Plus, behind-the-scenes fun facts, poll results, interactive trivia, and listener shout-outs!

Silver Screeners
00:37:47 5/29/2024

Past Episodes

Silver Screeners
25 years ago, Julia Roberts pounced on the summertime box office like John Cena at WrestleMania with two back-to-back rom-coms that ended the 90s for her on a high note like no other. Notting Hill brought her together with Hugh Grant, while Runaway Bride reteamed her with her Pretty Woman co-star Richard Gere. Plus, behind-the-scenes fun facts, poll results, interactive trivia, and listener shout-outs!
00:31:10 8/28/2024
Silver Screeners
Antonio of The Cultworthy Cinema Podcast returns for the third in a series of episodes having a look at films, or in this case, one film, showcasing the range of an actor known mostly for one particular genre. 1962's Gigot broke TV comedian Jackie Gleason's 'Ralph Kramden' and The Honeymooners mold and brought him to the countryside of France, just outside Paris, as a non-verbal, warm-hearted simpleton who takes in a selfish prostitute and her innocent little girl. Plus, poll results, interactive trivia, and listener shout-outs!
00:56:24 8/20/2024
Silver Screeners
Meryl Streep is regarded as one of the greatest - if not THE greatest - actress of all time, with 3 Academy Awards out of a staggering 21 nominations. But for every drama that she illuminates like 2008's thought-provoking Doubt, she proves her comedic skills in eccentric, absurd comedies like Death Becomes Her. A look at both films in this second of a few episodes focusing on typecast actors who successfully branch out into new territory. Plus, behind-the-scenes fun facts, poll results, interactive trivia, and listener shout-outs! "Darren Curtis - It's In The Fog" is under a Creative Commons (BY 3.0) license: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbldxbUFrZDNNME45MEJ4amppYkMzUXhOTlpXZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsb0xCV19EdDNRMm44TEg5UkduS0dPWDlHdmluRk9VNnEtN05ackFGTTFnUkpfWGItOW54RTFiejlXczlVRjZUbmdnZ2daR3FoZmRGWFlELVRfWnVxRFZrbXJPYTVha3g1d0FZQThlS1l1TmNCSUp2MA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fcreativecommons.org%2Flicenses%2Fby%2F3.0%2F&v=5oF5lS0sajs Music powered by BreakingCopyright: 'It's In The Fog' by @DarrenCurtisMusic
00:32:46 8/13/2024
Silver Screeners
Steve Carell is perhaps best known for his onscreen persona of the socially inept fool such as in TV's The Office. But for every wacky comedy like the enjoyable Date Night, he proves his acting chops in hard-hitting dramas like Beautiful Boy. A look at both films in this first of a few episodes focusing on typecast actors who successfully branch out into new territory. Plus, behind-the-scenes fun facts, poll results, interactive trivia, and listener shout-outs!
00:36:31 8/5/2024
Silver Screeners
A 90-year-old film and a 15-year-old one may not appear to have much in common, but a closer look at one of the first and finest examples of the genre known as "screwball comedy" and a 21st century romantic comedy that yeah, brings Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds together, but has THE QUEEN BETTY WHITE in the cast will prove otherwise! Plus, behind-the-scenes fun facts, poll results, interactive trivia, and listener shout-outs!
00:35:28 7/29/2024
Silver Screeners
In a year filled with sequels and big-budget spectacles, two unassuming, original romantic comedies came out - one with an iconic Peter Gabriel-filled boombox moment that was a box office fizzle but gained a following on home video, and the other a smash hit that spawned two sequels and a short-lived sitcom. Dive into the creative process and real-life scenarios that inspired both films! Behind-the-scenes fun facts, poll results, interactive trivia, and listener shout-outs!
00:35:46 7/22/2024
Silver Screeners
35 years ago this month, actress Rebecca Schaeffer was on her way to superstardom, thanks not only to the acting credits she had already accumulated in her 21 years, but also to her excellent prospects with director Francis Ford Coppola. Unfortunately, she is now known more for the circumstances surrounding her tragic murder at the hands of an obsessed stalker than for her acting achievements. This carefully researched episode aims to keep her name and memory alive beyond the anti-stalking legislation that her death brought about. If you or anyone you know have been affected by crime, you can visit victimconnect.org for a weekday helpline for emotional support and your legal rights and options. You can also visit rainn.org for resources for survivors of stalking and cyberstalking, as well as numerous other resources. Rebecca's story entails these very issues that may be triggers for some, so listener discretion is advised.
00:39:04 7/15/2024
Silver Screeners
Chris, aka The Movie Psycho, from the Just Go Watch Podcast returns to join me for a look at the only two films that Paul Newman and Robert Redford ever made together. Will it be 1890s-era Wyoming or 1930s-era Great Depression that is the preferred offering? Plus, poll results, interactive trivia, and listener shout-outs!
00:50:59 7/8/2024
Silver Screeners
Goooooooood morning, VietNAM!!!! It's a Robin Williams tribute with one of his most iconic comedies and one of his (perhaps) lesser-known dramatic performances - plus, behind-the-scenes fun facts, poll results, interactive trivia, and listener shout-outs!
00:31:09 7/2/2024
Silver Screeners
Summer's in full swing, and so is baseball season! A look at two biopics of the greatest players in MLB history, Pride of the Yankees starring Gary Cooper as Lou Gehrig and 42, starring Chadwick Boseman as Jackie Robinson. Two incredible actors playing two amazing ball players. Do the films themselves knock it out of the park or strike out? Plus, behind-the-scenes fun facts, poll results, interactive trivia, and listener shout-outs!
00:35:31 6/24/2024

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