I'M McLOVIN' IT! Ronald McGio makes a brief appearance on the show before we never see him again! Spooky stories and horrific tales by Gio! All music from "We Punk You An AZ Halloween" compilation! https://desertedaz.bandcamp.com/album/we-punk-you-an-az-halloween Enjoy and download this episode FREE! Music: Creepsville 666 - Killing Time https://m.facebook.com/creepsville666 The Posters - The Dog https://theposters.bandcamp.com/ Vices To The Grave - Troubled Soul https://vicestothegrave.bandcamp.com/
BLAMH! Episode 30 was a test to see if GiO's shit works properly. there is some good stories and messages in the episode as well. Enjoy and download FREE!
Madd Dog Tannen - Ska Song
Cosmic Soup Recording